திங்கள், அக்டோபர் 11, 2004

Lesson learnt

I wanted to make this announcement in my blogspot blog, but sadly it has to happen this way.

I have moved my Tamil and English blogs to my own website http://www.kparthas.com.
English blog is hosted here: http://blog.kparthas.com
Tamil blog is hosted here: http://tamil.kparthas.com (Tamil blog hasn't been setup properly yet).

Coming to the sad part, in the process of backing up my blog entries from my blogspot accounts (viz., kadalai.blogspot.com and www-kannan.blogspot.com) I had to setup the publish preferences of those blogs to FTP from blogspot hosting. The backup process went up smooth and the blog entries now are accessible under similar subdomains under kparthas.com but I didn't knew that my hold over the subdomains in blogspot would be released if i changed my publish option. And lo, blogger freed up my subdomains for fresh allocation.

Before I could recognize, my subdomain http://kadalai.blogspot.com was gone and I have lost all the connection I had with that name for the past one year.

And a new lesson has been learnt.

So if you were looking for my blog, you will have to come to the above mentioned domain, additionally the backup I had taken can be found here: http://kadalai.kparthas.com.

அனுப்பியவர்: கண்ணன் @ 5:02 AM பின்தொடருங்கள்

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    Grampa J

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:22 AM  

  • Dear
    Strange devices these computors are. I type in paid to shop and Lesson learnt shows up so here I am. This is my first time in a Blog and do not know the proper protocols so please excuse me if I do something wrong. It was fun to read posts by people from alll around the world and getting new ideas. Hi from Canada. Thank you for letting me onto your wonderful site.
    Grampa J

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:39 AM  

  • Dear
    Strange devices these computors are. I type in and Lesson learnt shows up so here I am. This is my first time in a Blog and do not know the proper protocols so please excuse me if I do something wrong. It was fun to read posts by people from alll around the world and getting new ideas. Hi from Canada. Thank you for letting me onto your wonderful site.
    Grampa J

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:26 AM  

  • Dear
    Strange devices these computors are. I type in and Lesson learnt shows up so here I am. This is my first time in a Blog and do not know the proper protocols so please excuse me if I do something wrong. It was fun to read posts by people from alll around the world and getting new ideas. Hi from Canada. Thank you for letting me onto your wonderful site.
    Grampa J

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:00 AM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:19 AM  

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    Just make sure you come back to this site to let us know how you are doing!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:52 PM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:06 PM  

  • Dear
    Strange devices these computors are. I type in demos and Lesson learnt shows up so here I am. This is my first time in a Blog and do not know the proper protocols so please excuse me if I do something wrong. It was fun to read posts by people from alll around the world and getting new ideas. Hi from Canada. Thank you for letting me onto your wonderful site.
    Grampa J

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:37 AM  

  • Dear
    Strange devices these computors are. I type in income opportunity and Lesson learnt shows up so here I am. This is my first time in a Blog and do not know the proper protocols so please excuse me if I do something wrong. It was fun to read posts by people from alll around the world and getting new ideas. Hi from Canada. Thank you for letting me onto your wonderful site.
    Grampa J

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:19 PM  

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    Warmest regards,
    Hoe Bing

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:15 AM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:46 AM  

  • Hi there , I was just cruising the blogosphere searching for the latest information on art and craft and came across this great blog. Although Lesson learnt wasn’t quite what I was looking for, it has excellent articles. I see now why I found your page when I was looking for art and craft related topics. I’m glad I stop by this is a great Blog, keep up the good work.

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:15 AM  

  • Hi there , I was just traveling through looking for some interesting stuff on poster art and I came upon your Blog. I haven’t seen what I was after regarding Lesson learnt, but I’m going to carry on searching for more information on poster art related stuff. By the way your Blogs great.

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:53 PM  

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    Thanks again for being here!

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:08 AM  

  • Blogger, interesting post - Lesson learnt.

    Personally, I've always found offshore tax haven to be very intriguing, and interesting, but not always very informative. So I did some research and started my own webpage to help people get started with offshore tax haven.

    If offshore tax haven also piques your interest, come by when you've got a few seconds - check out the different resources listed. I'm sure you'll find it very interesting.

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:47 AM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:39 PM  

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